Something’s missing – 21 April 2018

The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that last week Pat didn’t post a blog. This was because he was off in Wales walking his daughter down the aisle. The wedding went well and he will tell you all about it next week. I was meant to fill the void and put a special blog up, but well I was otherwise occupied. Partly with painting (furniture) and also out to dinner with a friend (it was her birthday this week). Overall I enjoyed a weekend to myself (and Siena still got her two walks a day).

For the past few weeks I’ve been painting a huge cupboard (it is in 2 sections) today I’ve finished the second part, which means tomorrow we can move it back into our bedroom and we can get back to normal, instead of having shoes and clothes spread across our bedroom, which I must admit I will be very happy to have everything put back away. I really dislike messiness especially in my house. I will have photos of the completed project soon.

So what else has been missing, well Spring for one thing, it had started to feel like Spring last week and then part way through this week went, sod this and summer arrived! It is wonderful, blue skies and heat. So much so that I even helped out in the garden today and my plan for tomorrow is more work in the garden. I’ve also had to dig out all my summer clothes. I’ve accomplished a very good clear out from what I didn’t wear over winter (it’s all off to the charity shop) but also getting rid of what does fit anymore. I was also selective with what summer items were pulled out as some of them I just don’t wear or are now too big. It’s been a fun thing to do.

I must admit it is hard planning the garden and what I want to do with it. I really don’t know a lot about plants and especially ones that are annual. So I do find it a struggle. However now that I’ve figured out that I need the garden to be easy to care for, it is making some of the decision making so much easier. There is La journée du jardinier (translates as Gardner’s day) tomorrow in one of the nearby villages and I’ve been before and it is a good place to buy plants. All I’m really after is some flowers and lavender plants, it will be a good opportunity to buy.

So for now, à bientôt, from our wonderful part of France.

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